STIR2CONNECT presents the near-series prototype “RSV 16-SP” at the “AC²-Start+Scale” trade fair. This compact system can process litz wires with a cross section up to 16 mm².

Opening of our company headquarters in Eschweiler (city region Aachen)
Contacting of the electric motor windings made of non-solderable, insulated litz wires for the competition solar vehicle of the "Team Sonnenwagen Aachen". STIR2CONNECT wishes good luck at the "Bridgestone World Solar Challenge 2023"!
Successful contacting of a PI-banded high-frequency litz wire without prior removal of the external insulation.
Successful contacting of a transformer-choke unit on the RSV160-SP system type as part of the "HFconnect" development project. The pilot user, BLOCK Transformatoren-Elektronik GmbH, as a guest of the founding team.

STIR2CONNECT is one of the 10 most promising start-up ideas in the StädteRegion Aachen. A total of 106 start-up teams took part in the competition.

Welding of high-frequency stranded wires without prior removal of the banding
In the course of the current development project "HFconnect", we have now succeeded in processing PETP-banded HF strands without any pre- and post-processes using RSV technology.

STIR2CONNECT is among the winners of phase 1 of "AC² - der Gründungswettbewerb 2021/22"!
Lecture "Novel welding system technology for simple and process-reliable contacting of high-frequency stranded wires in electrical engineering" at the DVS Congress 2021 in Essen, Germany
Thermal shock resistance demonstrated on RSV-welded HF stranded wires with polyurethane-based enamel insulation
Start of investigations to record the influences of emissions and residues on the environment during welding processing of HF strands containing polyurethane
Start of feasibility study for the assembly of HF stranded wires without prior removal of the banding
Successful process adaptation for the processing of high-frequency stranded wires with polyurethane-based enamel insulation: assembly of first wires with excellent electrical and mechanical characteristics
Start of the "HFconnect" project. Within the project, the RSV-Technology will be developed further for the new application "Enamelled wires and high-frequency stranded wires".